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Hi, readers!

I'm going to be MIA for about 4-5 days because I will be traveling to Chicago with Anna, my friend Wendy and Anna's friend Amy.

Looking forward to amazing food, salsa dancing, Second City, a few museums, shopping and just hanging out.

Hoping to take some great food photos!

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!


Leslie said...

Have fun in Chicago! It is my favorite big city. Tell Oprah I said hi if you see her. LOL

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful trip! I hear Chicago is a great place for shopping... and deep dish pizza *wink*! Enjoy :)

Anonymous said...

Have fun!

Esi said...

Have a great time! I love Chicago. I'm actually hoping to move there!

mary said...

Chicago is a great food city. I can't wait to hear about what you ate!

Anonymous said...

Chicago! aah, so many great food there. enjoy, and can't wait for your food pics!

Simones Kitchen said...

Yeezz, I am so behind in reading the blogs that you must be almost back by the time I write this! I hope you had a great time!

Unknown said...

That is so funny we were both there. :) I was an hour away from Chicago in a swamp where there was tons of mosquito's...gross.