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Armenian Festival in Old Town, Alexandria

A few weekends ago Cat and I went to Armenian Festival in Old Town, Alexandria, VA. I was so looking forward to it: good food, shopping (although I wasn't allowed to buy anything), and dancing. The amazing aroma of grilled chicken and lamb hit us the second we arrived at the festival. We did a quick walk through the shopping area and then like many other people got in line for food.

The menu was quite varied and all proceeds went to charity! Just an extra incentive to eat ;) armenian festival, menu I ended up buying a lamb kabob with lavash, hummus and dolma. I was sad to find out that lavash was cold, but the rest of the food did not disappoint. The lamb was perfectly grilled, tender, and had a bit of a smoky flavor. Hummus was really garlicky, and dolma was so good, I just wished it was bigger.

armenian festival, lamb kabob, hummusarmenian festival, lamb kabob, hummus

After we ate, we enjoyed Armenian dancers: fun music, gorgeous costumes and interesting choreography. The dancers really lucked out because the weather was overcast and not the 80 degree heat as was promised.

armenian festival, dancers, old town, alexandria I'm definitely looking forward to more Summer festivals!


Dewi said...

Sounds like a fabulous festival, love lamb kabob!

Anonymous said...

Kebabs are one of my all time favorite foods! What could possibly be bad about grilled meat :)

Simones Kitchen said...

Sounds like a fun festival. I am actually so looking forward to the Taste of Amsterdam which is going to be next week. All about food!! Can't wait..

Anonymous said...

How fun! Is Armenian kebab much different from Georgian one?

gastroanthropologist said...

Those kebabs looks delicious. Wondering what the thin Armenian pizza looks and tastes like...

Good for you about holding off on buying things for the next two months - most of us have way too many things. I've been moving around a lot lately and more stuff becomes a curse when trying to fit your life into a few suitcases!

Zoe said...

Delish! I love lamb kebabs!

Sasha said...

Oh yum!
Armenian food is awesome.

♥peachkins♥ said...

That's some fun weekend! I bet you and Cat enjoyed yourselves..

Sara said...

The festival looks delicious! I love getting food at summer fests.

Trying new things while you're walking around looking at all the things going on is so much fun.

Chef Fresco said...

Aw how fun! I want some of that food!

Mary Bergfeld said...

What fun! Your photos are wonderful and the food sounds incredible. Lucky you :-).

The Historian said...

I know the people who organize this event, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Thistlemoon said...

Sounds like a great day! I grew up in the greater DC area, and I remember going to events like this with my mom a lot!

Winker said...

Looks like you had a blast and a FEAST! If summer ever gets to my neck of the woods - festivals - here I come!