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Chicago: Hot Dogs at Portillo's

There hasn't been too much cooking lately in my kitchen, other than making a tomato/mayonnaise/basil sandwich this morning.

I do have a few posts in the works from the previous week that actually include recipes (I know! shocking!), but in the meantime, I'll post a few more things from my Chicago trip.

I really, really, really wanted to try a Chicago hot dog and had Portillo's recommended to me by several people. I had to wait till our last day in Chicago to make this little dream come true. And it was definitely worth the wait.

Portillo's offers a fun and casual atmosphere, outside seating, truly friendly staff and oh so many choices! You can get hot dogs, pizzas, sandwiches, fries, dessert, etc! And the prices are very reasonable, and they take credit cards!

I knew what I wanted: Portillo's Beef Hot Dog! I liked the poppy seed bun, and the fun bag the hot dog came in. This was one great late breakfast!

And then I decided to order dessert: strawberry shortcake! Can't remember the last time I had this. It was so good and quite big! The cake was moist and sweet, the strawberries were fresh and there was plenty of whipped cream. I took an extra spoon to share with Wendy and Anna.

If you were to design your hot dog, what toppings would you use?


lisaiscooking said...

Thanks to Chicago dogs, I know love a pickle on a hot dog. These days, I opt for tofu dogs, but they're good with pickles too!

Anonymous said...

That is one good looking hot dog - great pictures!

♥peachkins♥ said...

That Strawberry shortcake is making my mouth water

Unknown said...

I love strawberry shortcake! That hotdog looks really tasty! :)

Leslie said...

I love Portillios! Yes I have had their hot dogs..but their Italian Beef Sandwiches are CRAZY good!

Vicki said...

I'm now officially homesick, and craving Portillo's.

Hillary said...

Yes! Someone who loves Portillo's as much as me!!

Anonymous said...

That looks like such a charming hot dog place :), they don't make nice hot dogs here in the UK.

Zoe said...

I love hot dogs! I love saurkraut on mine.

NikiTheo said...

omg omg omg!!! I had one of their chili cheese dogs yesterday!!! I LOVE THEIR CHILI CHEESE DOGS!!!!!

Their plain old dogs are great too!!! Chicago Style hot dogs are THE BEST!

EMC said...

I really really really love Portillos--their roast beef sandwiches (dipped, with mozz and sweet peppers) are the greatest thing on earth!

Love your blog--you're making me homesick with this post.

BlueToYou said...

ooo. never thought of having a pickle on top of a hot dog. that strawberry shortcake looks great.

Jude said...

Portillo's is definitely a must-visit for Chicago-style hotdogs. Hope you had fun in my city! :)

Colleen said...

Next time, you have to try their chocolate cake - it is AMAZING!!

Sara said...

You should have gotten an Italian beef too...

I know it's alot of food but they are great at Portillos.

(I say both because I cannot recommend one over the other.)

shanna said...

It's so fun to read about out-of-town-ers' perspective on a local place. Glad you got to try Portillo's, but promise me next time you'll try the chocolate cake, OK? To. Die. For. I'm also a sucker for their Italian beef and the onion rings and the crinkly fries....