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Matt's In The Market. Hello from Seattle.

Hi, everyone! Thank you so much for not forgetting about me while I'm in Seattle ;)

It's finally not 90+ degrees outside, and I'm enjoying cable TV and free WiFi in my parents' house while my parents and siblings are out earning money.

After flying in to Seattle Wednesday at 10:30, Anna picked me up and we headed to Pike Place Market to meet our friend Sandy for lunch. We all worked together at a banking summer program about 9 years ago, and every time we are in Seattle, we try to get together.

I decided to go to Matt's in the Market, which Tom Sietsema, Washington Post food critic, recommends all the time for those traveling to Seattle.

First thing first, the place was air-conditioned: big points after a super hot weather outside. They also use all fresh produce directly from the market.

The atmosphere was casual, friendly and care-free. I think my favorite decor idea was the multi-colored tomatoes lining the counter. Trust me, I was very tempted to grab a few of them.

For lunch, I ordered Braised beef brisket sandwich (Columbia city brioche bun, butter roasted onions, arugula, horseradish aioli) and Cantaloupe-heirloom tomato gazpacho.

I absolutely loved my lunch. Anna and Sandy, unfortunately, weren't as satisfied with their food choices. Sadness.

The gazpacho had a sweet taste due to the cantaloupe and the slightly acid taste from the heirloom tomatoes. It was a perfect refresher! The beef brisket in my sandwich was tender and not too fatty. The horseradish aioli should be bottled and sold everywhere: a perfect bite with some creaminess!

If you are ever in Seattle checking out Pike Place market, definitely stop by Matt's and sample one of their sandwiches.

As for the rest of my time in Seattle, Anna and I have gone salsa dancing, visited our grandparents, did some shopping and met our other friends from the banking program for dinner. And that's just in 1.5 days!

Chat with you all later!


Anonymous said...

That beef brisket sandwich on brioche is making me drool!

Shelby said...

This sandwich looks AWESOME!

velva said...

Love Seattle! Sounds like you are having a great time.

chow and chatter said...

you have been a busy bee lovely lunch such a great market have loads of fun girlie

Chef Fresco said...

I love Seattle! Hope you're having fun!

♥peachkins♥ said...

Whoa! That Beef Brisket Sandwich made my mouth water.

Happy weekends,Olga!

Rhea said...

Yummy! This looked delicious even though I don't eat beef. I love that you visited a farmers market, too. Natch!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome looking sandwich. Love the idea of horseradish aioli.
p.s. your new profile picture is so pretty :)

Dewi said...

I knew that you will have fun... visit restaurant and eating a good food..
what a delicious vacation Olga!

Simones Kitchen said...

Glad to hear you're having a good time over there! That lunch does look good. I have been in that area but not to that particular restaurant, but will remember for next time!

pigpigscorner said...

Wow, look sat those huge chunks of beef! Delicious burger!

jessi said...

one word, wow.

you should definitely submit your photos to it's a visual restaurant review site with a template similar to that of tastespotting.

gail said...

Awesome, I love Seattle!

mctasty said...

That looked so good, we made it for dinner tonight! We used Trader Joe's Wasabi Aioli, but stayed true to the rest of the description. Love when I can find dinner on Tastespotting, thanks so much for posting it!

BlueToYou said...

this sandwich looks AMAZING! I think it's the melted cheese. mmmmm.