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Corn, Avocado, Tomato & Crab Salad

Last week I read an article in New York Times where Mark Bittman, whom I LOVE (I even started a blog about him), had a recipe for a corn salad. I was inspired! I decided to make a corn salad with tomatoes and avocado and have crab cakes on the side.

After getting home, however, I was too tired to make the crab cakes, and instead decided to add the crab meat directly into the salad.

kernels from 2 cobs of corn
6 ounces crab meat (I used a can)
1/2 jalapeno, finely diced
1/4 red onion, chopped
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1/2 avocado, cubed
1 handful cilantro, chopped
1/2 lime, juiced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon cumin
salt & pepper to taste

1. Combine all ingredients together.
2. Refrigerate for 3o minutes.
3. Serve. (You can serve the salad in the empty avocado shell, as I did in the first photograph, or in a bowl. The salad would also be good with Blue Corn chips.)

The salad looks pretty good, right? I purposefully did not mix in the avocado because it would have turned the picture-taking process into one giant mess. Unfortunately, the taste wasn't mind-blowing--not that every single meal I make has to be mind-blowing.

What went wrong? Perhaps I should have made the dressing separately by whisking the lime juice, olive oil and cumin together? Maybe the corn wasn't completely and perfectly sweet? Perhaps I could have roasted it first. And, of course, if the crab meat was fresh instead of canned, it would have been better.

If you recreate this salad, keep the above points in mind.

And now an apology: it was brought to my attention that I have made several grammatical errors in my previous few posts!! I'm embarrassed and sorry. I will correct those errors immediately. In the future, if any of you see a misspelling, please email me and let me know: I'd absolutely appreciate it!


Dewi said...

The crab make this salad super!

Unknown said...

Mmmm...I had a salad like this for lunch yesterday but without the crab. Sounds like a yummy addition!

Simones Kitchen said...

I thought it was a rather funny spelling mistake..:)) The salad does look good. Isn't it funny that Mark Bittman is not at all known in these parts of the world? Or I should probably say, not known by me... Maybe I should go in search of his books!
This will probably be my last comment for a while, so take care and 'see you' in a couple of weeks!

Delicious Dishings said...

Looks awesome -- even if it is canned crab meat. I make crab wontons with canned crab meat, and it's just so much easier.

Love the corn, tomato, avocado combo!

Anonymous said...

I love these flavours. I adore avacado and crab!
Have a fabulous weekend daaaaaaaahling :D

Mary Bergfeld said...

I've found that crab can't compete with many of the flavors in a salad.
Your salad looks wonderful, however. I'm sorry it disappointed you. Next time :-).

Justin said...

you know you're a food blogger when you prepare a dish differently so that the photo looks prettier! anyway, don't apologize about the occasional typographical errors -- it happens to everyone, especially me.

Gera@SweetsFoodsBlog said...

Olga love the combo crab meat and avocado mmm must be delicious!

Grammatical errors, really? Who care! In my case that English is my second language I don’t want to know, how many I have LOL!



Megan said...

A perfect dinner on these hot summer days, I love crab! Thumbs up!

Pity said...

what a lovely and healthy salad, i really love all the ingredients, jalapeƱo included, i am going to make it, for sure,



Chef Fresco said...

I love this recipe. Very fresh & healthy. Nicely done!

chow and chatter said...

what a fantastic salad

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! So summery!

Angie's Recipes said...

I like simple yet delicious salads, that's one of them.

Angie's Recipes

Carrie said...

Those are some of my favorite flavors. It looks really good!

Benefits of avocado said...

Wow. It looks amazing and yummy. Good recipe. Avocado is very healthy and has many health benefits. It is rich in nutrients and is excellent as conditioner and makes one’s locks lustrous and smooth, it helps to get rid of the frizz from hair, also helps preventing hair loss and its nutrients helps for good hair growth.

Mercina said...

This looks and sounds delicious. I just love avocado in my salad. Beautiful site by the way, very colourful.

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Since my doctor told me that I had t reduce my weight, this recipes are what I love. it's really nutritive, and help us to have a better health. Apart is delicious, one of the best salad that I've eaten in last time.

Hair Loss Products said...

This salad is looking very tasty and yummy. As I am on dieting and I also take salad in place of meal.

dining room table said...

I like the combination of the ingredients here! It looks so refreshing!