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Saturday at Foodbuzz Food Festival, Part 1

And now back to Foodbuzz Festival recap. Saturday morning Anna and I got a late start. I was not going to get up at 8 am :) After a cup of coffee at our hotel, we headed to the Ferry Building for breakfast. Below are a few photos I snapped on the way. For those who don't speak Russian, the first sticker says KGB, the second one says "Come in, Sit down, Hold on, Shut up!"--priceless. The third photo is just a cool sculpture I saw across the street.

Unfortunately, by the time we got to breakfast, there was only one pastry left and a bunch of grapes. Not to worry, with grapes in hand, we headed back out to an art/craft market in front of the Ferry Building, where I bought a pretty jade necklace and a matching bracelet. Anna wasn't able to find anything that she loved (I will try to take photos of jewelry later and post it on my other blog).

After jewelry shopping, Anna and I parted ways: I went to a seminar on Farm to Table (all about meat), and she went to Cowgirl Creamery tasting. Needless to say, she made a smarter choice.

And then it was time to sample a ton of food at the Metreon. Below are just some of the photos of the great food Foodbuzz made available. Apologies for not noting down everyone's brand name, etc.

The first photo is the amazing ceviche with octopus: loved it! And what a pretty presentation. And then of course there was a ton of cheese from Kerrygold.

For a bit of sweetness, there were these chocolate/peanut butter/jam concoctions. I'm not a huge fan of peanut butter, but really liked these.

Then there were adorable little tarts with beef and the best chocolate chip cookies I've ever had. The cookies were from Annie the Baker. It's amazing how she got the consistency to be chewy, the chips to stay intact, and the cookies to be so tall.

And then it was time for a tasting of Sparkling wines from CA. Four different wines ranging in color and flavor. By the looks of the wine, I liked the one on the right the most, because it was pink. But scroll down to see which one I liked the most taste-wise (the glass with the least amount of wine left).

Happy and slightly tipsy, Anna and I spent the next few hours shopping (without buying anything), then went back to our hotel and changed for Outstanding in the Field Dinner (best part of Foodbuzz Festival): stay tune for write up of that coming up soon.


Leslie said...

Fun fun..thanks for sharing!

angela@spinachtiger said...

I never saw those chocolate chip cookies. Now I feel I missed something. I wish we would have met.

Anonymous said...

LOL about the Russian stickers!

♥peachkins♥ said...

this is fun!

Simones Kitchen said...

That all looks soooo amazing! I have got to make sure I go to the next foodbuzz festival!!

Sasha said...

This post reminds me of how much I need a vacation : /
Thanks for sharing.

avesta said...

Looks so cool....sounds like you had a great time! I have to come next year!!!

Mary Bergfeld said...

It all looks amazing. It must have been a wonderful experience.

Anonymous said...

You are not a huge fan of peanut butter???? I adore it! You know whats good? The ghirardelli peanut butter chocolate square. YUMMY!
I have never had civiche before, but that looks so pretty, it makes me want to try it.

Anonymous said...

Love your new banner. Very original! Glad you had a good time with Anna. Looking forward to reading more.


Alison said...

I loved that sculpture across the the street, totally forgot to take a pic! - Alison