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Roasted Tomato & Dark Cherry Balsamico Soup

In the past I've done quite a bit of roasting: potatoes, zucchini, carrots, onions, etc. But for some reason I've never roasted tomatoes, even though they are my favorite vegetable. Maybe it's because I like eating them as is. Unfortunately, the quality of tomatoes in the winter time is rather unfortunate.

Last weekend I decided to buy a bunch of Roma tomatoes, roast them, and turn them into a tomato soup.

Roasted Tomato & Dark Cherry Balsamico Soup

Two of the products I've inherited through freelancing for Robyn are Avocado Oil and Dark Cherry Balsamico, but you can use regular olive oil and any other good quality balsamic vinegar in your soup.

9 Roma tomatoes, halved
slat & pepper
avocado oil
2 tablespoons Dark Cherry Balsamico
sugar to taste
2 tablespoons half & half

1. Preheat the oven to 450.
2. In a bowl combine tomatoes with salt & pepper, a drizzle of avocado oil and the balsamic. Mix.
3. Line a cookie sheet with aluminum foil. Place tomato halves cut side up on the cookie sheet and drizzle with the remaining "marinade."

4. Roast tomatoes for about one hour.

5. Puree tomatoes (they will have enough liquid to turn into a soup) with half & half and a pinch (or more) of sugar. Adjust the flavor with salt & pepper.

The soup will not be completely and perfectly smooth because of tomato seeds and skin. If you want a perfectly smooth soup, you'll have to remove those before roasting the tomatoes, or put the soup through a fine mesh. I did not think it'd be worth it.

This recipe ends up making about 2 cups of soup. You can also use it as a base for pasta or pizza sauce. Of course you can add herbs, roasted garlic and onions, etc. I just wanted to keep the taste of the soup as tomato-ish as possible.

Other than Grilled Cheese sandwich and croutons, what is your favorite thing to eat with tomato soup?


Sylvie said...

Yum...the picture above would be perfect with a nice grilled cheese next to it. :)

Anonymous said...

Ive never heard of cherry balsamic before, but I love balsamic vinegar. I am sure this soup tastes excellent.
I like tomato soup with pita bread thats got za'atar spice on it and a bit of olive oil.
*kisses* HH

Lo said...

I'm always amazed at the way roasting manages to revive a sad winter tomato. Not quite the same as summer ripe... but close enough, especially in February.

I've never thought to use a fruity balsamic in tomato soup... but I'm thinking that can't be a bad idea. Wonder how it would be with a fig or strawberry balsamic... definitely worth a try, I think!

I'm thinking a slice of grilled halloumi might be nice with this soup. Great contrast between the sweet/salty.

Anonymous said...

Avocado Oil and Dark Cherry Balsamico sound like neat products to try! Your tomato soup looks super!

Justin said...

i was turned off tomato soup because my mom made this really thin kind with rice when i was a kid, and i hated it, but this looks like something i should try.

Delicious Dishings said...

I sometimes like Cheez-Its or Goldfish with tomato soup. :) This soup looks fabulous. I love roasted tomatoes.

Tammy Gordon said...

Would it be too obvious if I said I'd like mine with a side of tater tots?

Shaw Girl said...

This looks amazingly delicious! I love, love, love roasted tomatoes and adding balsamic vinegar was genius! Totally making this when tomato season comes back!!

And the pictures look fantastic!

Lea Ann said...

Man does this sounds good! Great photos too.

♥peachkins♥ said...

This soup looks amazing...I'd probably eat hotdog sandwich with that soup..

Amanda said...

With tomatoes in season here, this will be on the menu very soon! I have no cherry balsamic, but I have a tiny bottle of 60 year old balsamic that will be divine drizzled over this soup! Thanks for the inspiration.

Unknown said...

Dear MangoTomato, the roasted tomato and balsamico soup look fantastic! I LOVE tomatoes and keep my fridge stocked with them at all times!! I like tomato soup on its own or with a salad. The image of them roasted made me say "Wild Thing", you make my heart sing! Loved and saved this recipe. I shall revisit you soon. Thank you for sharing.
Cheers, Gaby
You can always visit me at

Carrie said...

This sounds so ineresting with the cherry balsamic. And I love how thick the soup is! It looks fantastic.

Lot-O-Choc said...

Oh wow this soup looks delicious, I love a big slice of wholemeal bread with my tomato soup so warm and comforting! I always have it when im ill :)

Chef Fresco said...

I've never seen truly homemade tomato soup all the way from scratch! It looks soo good!

Esi said...

I love roasted tomato soup! I have a plethora of roasted tomatoes. Trying to figure out what to do with them this time..

Simones Kitchen said...

OMG Olga, I cannot believe you never roasted tomatoes before! I love tomatoes too, but roasted tomatoes are just something entirely different! I toss them into pasta, salads and just about anything I can think of, but I haven't tried to make roasted tomato soup. Sounds lovely!

Chris said...

Hey, that actually seems a little simple. I might just try that. Does this same concept apply with pumpkin soup?

Olga said...

Chris, you can absolutely make a roasted pumpkin soup. You'll just have to add liquid (water, vegetable stock or chicken stock) to the step in which you puree the pumpkin, b/c it doesn't have enough liquid on its own.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I loved looking through these photos! I just bought several roma tomatoes at the grocery store so I just may have to give this recipe a try some night this week :)

BlueToYou said...

LOVE the presentation!!

Johnna said...

Looks amazing!

Irina said...

Sounds yummy! Congratulations on your recipe making it to the finals in the contest and good luck!

My favorite thing to add to tomato soup is basil (fresh in the summer and dried in the winter) and a generous sprinkling of parmesan.