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Mascarpone Pancakes with Raspberries

Earlier this month, Alejandra asked if I'd like to have brunch with a few of her friends in her apartment (which also happened to have an amazing roof deck). Of course I said yes and showed up with a bottle of champagne and a carton of orange juice.

Alejandra made Mascarpone Pancakes with Blueberries and Lemon Curd, and we all enjoyed them sitting outside, taking in the sunshine and sipping mimosas.

Last weekend I decided to make mascarpone pancakes for myself. This is not something I'd typically do: instead, I usually just use a mix and add a few fun ingredients to make semi-homemade pancakes. This time around I had leftover mascarpone cheese from making Robyn Webb's stuffed dates and decided to make good use of it.

Copied by permission from Alejandra's blog (I made 1/2 of this recipe and eliminated salt):

1 1/2 cup flour
3 tablespoon sugar
2 teaspoon. baking powder
1/2 cup mascarpone at room temperature
3/4 cup 1 tablespoon whole milk
2 large eggs, slightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon lemon zest

Sift dry ingredients together. In another bowl, mix mascarpone, milk, eggs, vanilla, and lemon zest until well combined. Pour into dry ingredients and mix only until moist. Pour mixture onto well-heated griddle and cook until golden on each side. {I used my lovely green pan for this.}

I served the pancakes with syrup, powdered sugar and fresh raspberries. The texture was incredibly smooth. They are best eaten right away, but can also be re-heated the next day.

Enjoy the photos: I'm in love with them :)


K said...

Looks amazing and delicious!!

Megan H Carroll said...

Those do look drool worthy.

Anonymous said...

These look so yummy and fluffy. I want some.

♥peachkins♥ said...

The pancakes are mouthwatering! Love the photos!

grace said...

this gal's a pancake fiend, so i'm thrilled with this post! i haven't ever used mascarpone in a batch, but it seems to make them completely luscious indeed. :)

Carolyn Jung said...

I love anything with mascarpone. What a great way to use up leftover mascarpone, too, in these fluffy, heavenly pancakes. Make mine a double stack, please. ;)

Zoe said...

wow, mascarpone pancakes! These sound fantastic

LetMeEatCake Eat With Me! said...

Those pancakes look amazing and I bet the marscapone was a great addition. I have been pancake crazy lately can't wait to make these this weekend!

Delicious Dishings said...

You know... the idea of ricotta pancakes has never really excited me, but mascarpone I could get behind! I've never thought of adding it to pancakes. It just sounds so decadent... and raspberries must have been the perfect complement. Thanks for sharing this amazing recipe. I feel like I should throw a brunch party...

Irina said...

These look great! Sort of a cross between olad'i and syrniki, right? :)

Kasha said...

I'm in love with your photos too! And the pancakes look just great.

The Wind Attack said...

Oh yes, those look lovely. I've been obsessed with marscapone lately so I'm quite tempted to try them. And even more tempted to serve them with more marscapone on top!

lisaiscooking said...

Mascarpone in a pancake sounds amazing! The look lovely with the raspberries too.

Aviva Goldfarb said...

Great way to use up leftover mascarpone!