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What Healthy Foods are you Craving?

Earlier this week I asked my Twitter followers the following question: What healthy foods are you craving right now?

For me, it was watermelon. Below are some of the responses I received. (Yes, I realize none of the photographs really go with any of the answers, but those are the things I had on hand to photograph...and they are fresh and healthy.) Grapefruit. all. the. time. Clementines, strawberries, avocado Caprese salad. Or spinach with garlic. Or clementines. yummm. avocado! Although now you've got me wanting watermelon too :) Love that question. Lobster, oysters, avocado with lemon, sometimes a big salad. I'm craving a mango. I would kill for a peach I'm with you on the watermelon- I could easily eat a 1/4 of one in one sitting, haha I could go for some grapes and baby carrots right about now. Strawberries!!! Strawberries. Especially this time of year. Hummus, Smoothies/Fruit or Yogurt. I often crave sauteed spinach w/garlic. Roasted veggies: esp. brussel sprouts and cauliflower. I love veggies!

What about you? What healthy foods are you craving at this moment? And if you are not following me on Twitter, you are missing out :) Sign up here.

PS For those of you who are reading this on Sunday, Happy Mother's Day!


Anonymous said...

Mangoes, raspberries, white nectarines (can't wait for those!), strawberries and ALWAYS anything that has lime in it.

Anonymous said...

Alphonso mangoes! They are only out for one month a year. I keep checking to see if they've come in, i think today will be the day. Wish me luck.
Have a wonderful weekend.
*kisses* HH

Simones Kitchen said...

Anything with fruit would do it for me! I love all fruit and cannot resist but this time of year strawberries are a clear winner. Cheese is another favorite.

♥peachkins♥ said...

Fruit, specially strawberries!

blowing peachkisses
The Peach Kitchen
peach and things

Capitol to Capital said...

Agree with a lot of these--avocado, citrus. Greek yogurt w/cereal. Huge glass of iced water with half a lemon squeezed in it. Homemade trail mix. Yogurt covered raisins from TJ (the health factor is questionable her, I admit).

Jenny said...

My main ingredients is broccoli =) and the rest are other vegetables.

paige said...

a plain salad made with dark greens with pineapple salsa and guacamole for dressing

Anonymous said...


Taylor said...

I am craving avocado like crazy lately!

Anonymous said...

Usually I can tell I havent been eating very well when all I can think about is a giant salad. Or whole grains- brown rice wheat berries, quinoa. I never crave chocolate. I know - I'm weird. Always fruit and nuts when I want something sweet. or granola!

Kabbalah bracelet said...

Its cool! Nice writing! I will apply your theory at my home.