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Blueberry picking with Mary and Jenna

A while ago, Mary of Arugula Files promised to take me blueberry picking. Why? Because she's awesome like thatm, and because she has a car (and I don't). This past Saturday, she picked me up at 8 am (super early for me!), and after picking up Jenna of Modern Domestic, we headed out to pick blueberries at Butler's Orchard.

It was an insanely hot and steamy day. Still, there were quite a few families at the farm. We waited our turn before hopping on a little "train" that drove us to the blueberry fields.

Did you know you can't just find a blueberry bush and start picking? We had to ask teenage boys in charge where we could pick. At one point I started picking and some woman told me "This is my bush." Get a grip, lady, there are plenty of blueberries to go around.

Here is someone else's bucket half full with blueberries.

It was interesting to see the progression in color from green to the most beautiful blue. No wonder these are called blueberries ;) The ones at my grocery store, however, mostly look black.

In the midst of picking blueberries and trying not to sweat too much, which was impossible, I happily snapped photos of the pretty berries with my new lens (Tamron 18-270mm). I especially like this shot below because the berries almost look like grapes!

And here is the proof that I was actually there! Thanks to Mary for the photo.

I managed to pick 7 pounds of berries and paid nearly $20 for them. We had so much fun! Stay tuned for a few recipes I'll be posting using these berries.


mary said...

Lovely post. Thanks for coming!

Anonymous said...

How fantastic. I've been strawberry picking before and it is loads of fun. Its hard not to eat all your goodies before you pay for them though LOL. They should way you before you go in and after you get out.
*kisses* HH

Jenna said...

I love your photos! It was such a great (if hot. Very hot) time.

Delicious Dishings said...

Cannot wait to see what you make!

Momgateway said...

the photos were lovely and I'm glad you had a great time...

Julie @ Willow Bird Baking said...

Gorgeous berries! I still have yet to go berry picking . . . maybe sometime soon!