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Pete's Apizza

Hi, everyone! Hope you had a great Fourth of July weekend. I was away visiting Mr. Almodovar of the Almodovar orchid in Nashville. Great food, fireworks, botanical garden and art museum. And of course salsa dancing. I will write up a few food related posts later: stay tuned.

But for now, I wanted to let you know about a great new (to me!) pizza place in DC: Pete's Apizza.
A few weeks ago I went blueberry picking, after which, Mary, Jenna and I were starving and in need of food: eating handfuls of blueberries doesn't count! After a few wrong turns, Mary had a great idea of eating lunch at Pete's Apizza, and Jenna and I agreed.

The restaurant was bright, spacious and filled with families, friends and couples. We had a choice of ordering pizza by a slice, or getting an entire pie to share. We decided to get a salad, pizza and drinks.
The salad consisted of arugula, pecans and two fried goat cheese balls. We dug right in!

For the pizza, we decided on the Down-the-hill: Sliced Meatball, House-made Sausage, Caramelized Onion, Roasted Peppers, Wild Mushrooms and Kalamata Olives $24.95.

Just look at this beauty! (I let Jenna take a slice before taking the photos...we were really hungry, as I've mentioned before.)

The pizza is made in the New Haven style. Have you ever heard of it? Neither have I. Here are some facts from the website:

♥ Because of the way it is made, it turns out crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside.

♥ It is a thin crust. Because of its crispiness, it holds up when you pick the slice up, rather than bending over and spilling toppings back onto the plate.

♥The ingredients are all natural, and many are organic and locally grown. The sauce is all tomatoes, with no artificial ingredients, and no high-fructose corn syrup or other sweeteners. The cheese is fresh and not too salty. Toppings are fresh from the farm and organic, or made in-house; sweet Italian sausage, for example, is made from scratch right in the kitchen at Pete's.

♥Also, ingredients are applied sparingly on APIZZA. It is not oversauced, not overcheesed, and not piled on with mounds of toppings. The overall effect is a lighter tasting, healthier pizza. You enjoy the whole portion, whether it's a slice by yourself or a whole pie with friends or family, but you've eaten a lighter, healthier meal.

♥APIZZA is round, but not really. Not every pie comes out perfectly uniform (although pies made to be sold by the slice have to be fairly uniform in shape so every slice is about the same size). The most famous New Haven pizzerias send out pizzas in the weirdest shapes sometimes. And when sold by the whole pie, the slices are usually cut in quite haphazard shapes.

What's my verdict? LOVED IT! The meatballs had a lot of flavor; I really liked the saltiness of the olives and the sweetness of the roasted peppers. And this pizza was great as breakfast leftovers for the next few days (eaten cold!).

If you are ever in the Tenleytown or Columbia Heights neighborhoods, definitely pay a visit to this eatery.


Mark said...


You should really check out more New Haven style (a)pizza! If you're ever in the area, the pizzas there (that inspired this pizza) are probably the best I've ever had. If you're anywhere near NYC, it's TOTALLY worth the short trip!

I still have dreams about the apizza I had at Pepe's there last year. Some of the best stuff to eat on the planet.

Nick (Macheesmo) said...

I went to school in New Haven... there pizza there is incredibly under-rated.

It's some of the best out there.

Haven't tried this place though!

Carolyn Jung said...

Call it New Haven or call it something else. All I can say is that crust looks like perfection. Mmmm, crispy where it should be and chewy and toothsome elsewhere. Doesn't get better than that.

♥peachkins♥ said...

The pizza looks and sounds heavenly! I wish there's Pete's here..I would be there in a sec./

Jenna said...

Thank you for letting me take that slice - I was SO hungry! Lovely photos (as usual).


K said...

Great photos! I was just there last night and loved the pizza we got as well!

Anonymous said...

I used to live right near New Haven, but my mom always used to take us for pizza where we would get NY style :) LOL, who knew we were missing out.
Have a great day daaaahling.
*kisses* HH

Capitol to Capital said...

I could eat the fried goat cheese every day for the rest of my life and never get bored. YUM.

Maggie said...

My husband went to school in New Haven so Pete's is in, uh, very regular rotation around here. Not that I'm complaining!

Gabriela said...

This pizza looks amazing! I wish I had some in my fridge right now as leftovers (nothing better than cold pizza for breakfast!)

Unknown said...

I just had the goat cheese salad literally a few minutes ago. Your pics are better though I think!

Mhel said...

Good looking images esp. the close-up shot of that cheese ball. Pete's A Pizza is usually our Friday night take out when all you wanna do is just relax after devouring the whole pizza...No mess to clean up...I love their Antipasti plate, too and the pizza with thin slices of eggplant...I didn't know there's also one in Tenleytown :) This is a good promotion for them :)