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Dupont Farmer's Market in DC

Morning, dear readers.
I'm in the surprisingly sunny and warm Seattle. So far, so good!

Today I am sharing with you a photo essay of produce from Dupont Farmer's market from Washington DC (aka I-haven't-had-time-to-photograph-any-real-recipes-yet). Enjoy :)


efstewart said...

Lovely photos! Thanks for the vicarious visit to my own local market.

Lighthousegal said...

Great pictures as always. The produce looks awesome. I am not sure what the item in the 5th picture is, but it looks quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

Love it! I definitely have to set my alarm for next Sunday morning to make it there...

Capitol to Capital said...

Gorgeous! Love the donut peaches. One day when I have a pig kitchen I'll put postcard-sized prints of happy pictures like these on the walls.

Anonymous said...

I love those pretty donut peaches, but I have yet to try one.
Wonderful pictures.
*kisses* HH

Simones Kitchen said...

That all looks entirely lovely Olga. The colors just jump out of the screen at me!

Delicious Dishings said...

Too funny! I just picked up a mini watermelon like that at Whole Foods tonight. So cute!

Those tomatoes are incredibly gorgeous. I'm so obsessed with summer tomatoes.