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Raw Beet & Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese Medallions

Yesterday I got up pretty early for a Saturday morning because I had exciting plans. Sylvie, Alejandra, Tammy and I were doing cooking demonstrations and giving out samples at the 14th & U farmers market in Washington DC.

The plan was to use produce available at the market, very little cooking, and have fun. Right away I decided to make a salad with raw beets and arugula and top it off with goat cheese. But I thought it'd be too simple. That's when Sylvie suggested I make goat cheese medallions! What are those? Read to find out. And be sure to check out Sylvie's, Alejandra's and Tammy's blogs for other great cooking ideas!

Raw Beet & Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese Medallions

Note: This recipe doesn't list exact amounts for any of the ingredients. I believe in playing with my food and using as little or as much of any ingredient as I want. I encourage you to do the same!

beets, peeled & thinly sliced
olive oil
salt & pepper to taste
dental floss (use the plain kind!)
goat cheese
Panko crumbs
Optional: chopped herbs (I used chives)

1. In a bowl combine arugula and beets. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.
2. Using a dental floss, cut goat cheese into ½ inch thick medallions.
3. In a small bowl beat an egg with some salt and pepper.
4. Dunk each goat cheese medallion in the egg mixture then coat with panko crumbs (Optional: feel free to add fresh herbs into your panko crumb mixture or use goat cheese with herbs already mixed in)
5. Heat olive oil in a saute pan. Add your goat cheese medallions and saute on each side until the panko crust is golden brown. Serve immediately on top of the salad.

Our demo went well! Everyone loved the food and some of our Twitter followers and friends came out to support us: THANK YOU!

These photos are from the salad I recreated in my kitchen today for breakfast. Enjoy!

And here is me yesterday at the demo (Thanks to Tammy for the photo!)


fuat gencal said...

Ellerinize sağlık. Çok leziz görünüyor.


mary said...

These look delicious. I love fried goat cheese.

Jenn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) said...

That goat cheese cake looks amazing. I've never had raw beets, I'm curious now.


♥peachkins♥ said...

this salad loks awesome!

The Peach Kitchen
peach and things
blowing peachkisses

Jenna said...

Those look totally delicious - and super approachable even for people who don't cook (which I totally don't anymore). And I love anything with goat cheese :-)

Jenna said...

Also, what do raw beets taste like? I've never had them.

chow and chatter said...

oh cool salad and wow what a fun thing to do

Megan H Carroll said...

just lovely....

Anonymous said...

Great salad. I adore goat's cheese, and its perfect paired up with beetroot like this.
Have a great day daaaahling.
*kisses* HH

Cara said...

How fun! I love the idea of the warm goat cheese with the cold, raw beets, just because it's the opposite of how those ingredients are usually served and it's nice to change things up!

Simones Kitchen said...

O that must have been so much fun! (you look like you're having fun anyway..) Love the goatcheese. Looks delicious!

Chef Fresco said...

Great summer salad. I've never been a huge beet person, but those medallions look delicious!

Kathryn said...

That looks SO good- I'm obsessed with goat cheese! You should try this recipe- it's a warm goat cheese salad and it's to die for!

VegeCooking Club said...

I was looking for beet recipes but you had me at "goat cheese medallion". (Drooling).

MJ said...

Oh yeah, that's a good salad. But, it does turn my pee pink. that TMI?!