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Southwestern Hash with a Poached Egg

Who knew writing about my disastrous challah baking adventures would elicit so many comments? Thanks everyone who gave me encouragement, advice and shared their own tales of kitchen mishaps.

Why don't we move on and chat about our more successful dishes?

This past weekend I was quite busy and needed something quick, but filling for breakfast. Luckily, I had a few random things in my refrigerator that came quite nicely together to "form" Southwestern Hash with a Poached Egg.

Yes, I realize that this dish resembles many I've already blogged about, but how can you go wrong with sauteeing a few vegetables and topping them with a poached egg?

Ingredients (there are no exact amounts, add as much of each ingredient as you like)

olive oil
shallots, sliced
baked sweet potato, cubed
black beans
adobo sauce
cheddar cheese, grated
scallions, chopped
avocado, cubed
poached egg


1) In a nonstick pan heat olive oil. Add sweet potatoes, black beans and shallots. Saute for a few minutes.
2) Add adobo sauce and continue to saute till the vegetables have browned. Mix in cheddar cheese and let it melt.
3) Transfer the mixture to a plate, top with scallions and cubed avocado and carefully place a poached egg on top.
4) Break into the egg yolk and enjoy your breakfast!

Note: if you are wondering how I was able to get such a perfectly round poached egg, check out this recipe/product information post I did for Robyn Webb.

Easy, flavorful, nutritious and yet indulgent, this dish was a great way to start a day. What did I do for the rest of the day? I baked pies with Domenica Marchetti! Stay tuned to read about that: you will not be sorry.

What's your favorite quick but hearty weekend breakfast? If it uses the leftovers, all the better!


Lauren said...

delicious! I love hash. Can't go wrong with it! :)

Delicious Dishings said...

Hash and poached eggs is my favorite breakfast. I love the southwestern twist!

Can't wait to hear about the pies!!!

Kristina @ spabettie said...

this looks and sounds incredible!! I love poached eggs.. and breaking the yolk onto whatever I have topped with it... Mmm...


Anonymous said...

I LOVE this dish! Completely yummy and right up my alley. I am such an egg person.
*kisses* HH

Esi said...

I love your hash recipes. I still have to try that broccoli one from a couple years ago!

Lemmonex said...

Put an avocado on anything and I will eat it. This looks great.

lisaiscooking said...

Looks like a great mix for a hash! And, a poached egg is the perfect way to top it off.

Anonymous said...

How do you make that perfect poached egg? Beautiful.

Olga @ MangoTomato said...

For anonymous and anyone else wondering how I was able to make such a perfectly round poached egg, I used this little kitchen tool I tested and photographed for Robyn Webb:

Chef Fresco said...

Yum! What a perfect combo of ingredients for a special breakfast. Looks delicious!

Simones Kitchen said...

You're so right. You cannot go wrong with lovely ingredients like that. Delicious breakfast indeed!

Pam @ Cooking world said...

This is not only great for breakfast but I have eaten for lunch too. I only make it without egg!

naomi said...

Next to dessert, breakfast is my favorite meal, so I love this recipe!! Yumm.

Pretty. Good. Food. said...

Mmmm, sounds so good!

Carrie said...

What an awesome recipe! I love all of those flavors together. Looks delicious.

Irina said...

Great recipe - I'll be sure to try it some day. My favorite "quick but hearty" weekend breakfasts actually involve something very similar - usually some sort of a hash or egg scramble made with some sort of vegetable (or two), soy chorizo, and cheese, garnished with avocado if I have some in the house.

Cara said...

I first fell in love with the sweet potato and black bean combination thanks to a certain breakfast burrito at a diner in my college town, containing a sweet potato and black bean hash with scrambled eggs and cheese. Pretty much what you've got here, minus the avocado and in a tortilla. Oh I miss that dish... something tells me I'll be making this soon!

sally said...

This looks wonderful! Perfect for a weekend breakfast!