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Cooking for Robyn

This has been a busy week, and things are really not going to slow down until Thanksgiving, so I'm looking forward to visiting my family in Seattle, cooking Thanksgiving dinner with Anna, celebrating my dad's big birthday and making latkes for Hannukah.

I wanted to share with you a quick and delicious recipe I made for Robyn's blog that is not only perfect right now, but would be great for your Thanksgiving day. This fall salad uses a special apple mustard, fresh apples, baby greens, Gorgonzola and pecans. What's not to like?

Of course you can mix the salad in a bowl, but for the sake of presentation I decided to layer the ingredients and to fan out the different kinds of apples and red onions. What do you think?

Another recipe I was making for Robyn last weekend was a Vanilla Angel Food cake. This was the fist time I've made an angel cake. The process was rather easy: the most time consuming part was separating 12 eggs and whipping the egg whites.

I had 12 egg yolks at my disposal and did not feel like making creme brulee, custards, mayonnaise or lemon curd. I tweeted about my dilemma and got a few suggestions to make ice cream. Alas, my kitchen doesn't have an ice cream maker. And so I decided to offer the egg yolks to Stacey Viera. She was one of my twitter friends to suggest I make ice cream and she lives nearby. Last Sunday night Stacey's husband (whom I've never met!) drove by my apartment and I handed over a bowl with the egg yolks. I can't even imagine what my neighbors thought. But at least nothing went to waste!

Above is the cake with yogurt and berries. And I can't wait to taste the ice cream Stacey makes with the egg yolks: she promised to share. Oh the magic of Twitter.


Maggie said...

You just photographed my all-time favorite kind of salad. The combination of apples, onions, mustard, and nuts gets me every single time.

erica said...

Your salad looks absolutely amazing. I want to go make it right now and I just ate a snack lol. I am a new follower of your blog!


Serene @ MomFood said...

Those both look wonderful! Yes, I think your salad presentation was a great call.

(I probably would have made hollandaise or mayo with the egg yolks. :-)

♥peachkins♥ said...

that is one beautiful salad!

lacochran's evil twin said...

The salad looks fantastic and the angel food cake looks even better. Even though she describes the vanilla puree, I still have never heard of it/seen it. Huh.

Simones Kitchen said...

That salad looks absolutely delicious although mmm, not sure what to choose if I had to pick either the salad or the angelcake! Great idea to hand over all those egg yolks! Would be a shame to throw them away!

Anonymous said...

After eating that yummy and virtuous salad, i wouldnt mind rewarding myself with that delicious cake :)
Good luck on winning the le crueset daaaahling!
*kisses* HH

Anonymous said...

The salad looks scrumptious! I'm often faced with a lot of leftover egg yolks from making macarons. Always make ice cream or lemon curd, although sometimes I do throw them out. Hope you win that gorgeous purple le creuset pot!

We've Gone Paleo said...

Love the combo of ingredients on this salad...sounds sooo good!!