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Roasted Indian Chickpeas

Happy 2011! Hope you had a great start to this year and it will bring you joy, love, good food and of course the company of great people. I welcomed 2011 in the company of Jenna and her friends. We ate, chatted, drank and watched the ball drop.

As my contribution to the party I brought dates stuffed with sharp cheddar, wrapped in bacon and then baked and broiled in the oven: it was quite a hit! But I also wanted to bring something new, slightly healthier, and something I've never made before: and that was Roasted Indian Chickpeas.

I absolutely love chickpeas: in salads, soups, hummus, or main dishes. They are healthy, versatile and so satisfying. This time I decided to flavor them with a few Indian spices and roast them.

Roasted Indian Chickpeas


3 cans chickpeas, rinsed, drained
1 teaspoon garam masala
1 teaspoon curry
1/4 teaspoon cayenne
1/2 teaspoon coriander
olive oil


1. Preheat the oven to 450.
2. Combine all ingredients together.

{note the pretty Le Creuset orange spatula I have from freelancing for Robyn!}

3. Spread the chickpeas in a single layer on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet (you might have to use two cookie sheets).

4. Roast the chickpeas for about 35 minutes, shaking them up occasionally.

This little snack smelled amazing and left my lips tingling from cayenne. Of course I wanted to find a suitable bowl for these chickpeas and decided to use a pretty copper bowl my friend Radha gave me a while ago, which she found in an Indian store.

{love the detail on the handle}

Thoughts: the chickpeas were crunchy on the outside and still a bit tender on the inside. They are best eaten right away. By the time I got to Jenna's, the chickpeas were cold and we had to reheat them for 5 minutes in the oven. As they sit, however, they start to get a bit soggy. So make them and eat them fast!

Have you ever tried roasting chickpeas? If so, what spices did you use?


Jessica Lee Binder said...

I found the same thing when I tried roasted chickpeas once....that they didn't hold and got soggy. It was a let down for me since I was hoping it would keep as a snack you could leave on the table for several hours at least. Glad you had the same experience because I was thinking, maybe I did it wrong....

Paula - bell'alimento said...

That little bowl is gawgeous! And the chick beas look like an incredibly tasty snack! Happy New Year sweets!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully done. I once roasted chickpeas with sweet and spicy flavours like rosemary and brown sugar. In all honesty, I like peanuts butter. There is just no substitution for fatty food!
*kisses* HH

Anonymous said...

These sound wonderfully flavorful with the spices you use! Happy New Year to you!

Christina said...

I haven't tried roasting chickpeas but I really need to because they are so good! I love the Indian spices you used!

SaraOneTribeGourmet said...

oh gosh...I LOVE chickpeas and this dish is making me hungryyy! :)

Lauren said...

yum! we've been obsessed with roast chickpeas lately. Can't make 'em fast enough! I've been doing za'atar and chili/lime... will have to give these Indian ones a try!

Cara said...

It's been a while since I've made roasted chickpeas but I really liked them with a southwest seasoning blend. I'm sure I'd love them with the Indian spies too! I'll definitely have to try these soon, thanks for the reminder.

Cool Chic Style Fashion said...

Felice Anno Nuovo ♥
Stefania Italy

Unknown said...

wow this looks so easy and yummy.
this would make such a great side dish with some indian salad on the side.
great job!
ps. i love those copper pots too.. i have some, love the detail on the handle. :-)

Lemmonex said...

Such a huge fan of great roasted. Plus, super economical.

Anonymous said...

Yum. I love chickpeas too. Made an Indian dish with chickpeas, lamb and roasted eggplant last week. The spices just pop in your mouth. I'll try the roasting. Maybe for a superbowl party :)

Michelle said...

Once I learned how to roast chickpeas I never looked back. At one point I was eating them daily, even for breakfast! They're definitely the type of thing you need to make and eat right away so just from that you can tell how much I loved eating these despite having to do everything to roast them each time.

I'll have to try it with Indian spices. Yum!

Kulsum@JourneyKitchen said...

This certainly is one of my favorite ways to eat chickpeas. Sitting on couch and munching on this is my ideal wish day :) And love the kadai, funny, I just posted a recipe and used similar kadhai!

BlueToYou said...

i don't normally like chickpeas, or looking at them, but you made them look super tasty!

Sarah K said...

hi there! i made these over the weekend as a quick afternoon snack, and they were delicious. the spices lent so much flavor to chickpeas, without overwhelming them. they also crisped us really nicely. i also made with just one can of beans, and reduced your measurements by 2/3. will definitely make again- thanks!!

Olga @ MangoTomato said...

Thank you so much for coming back and leaving a comment. I’m so glad the recipe worked for you.