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Can you eat blue corn tortilla chips for breakfast? Yes, you can!

No one is perfect, right? Sometimes the best ideas don't work out as you hoped they would. But life goes on. Don't worry, nothing major has happened; I just like to be a bit dramatic sometimes: welcome to my world!

A few weekends ago I was staring at my somewhat empty refrigerator and trying to figure out what to make for breakfast that would be satisfying, relatively fast and would be good as leftovers. And then I noticed a bag of blue tortilla chips on my counter and an idea came to me!

You see, my dad makes an awesome dish using matzo crackers soaked in water or milk, which are then mixed with eggs and fried. It's divine, especially since my dad uses quite a bit of oil. I decided to use the blue corn tortilla chips instead of the matzo crackers. I've done something very similar before but with white tortilla chips. This time I decided to add bacon! How can you go wrong with bacon?

Blue corn tortilla chips for breakfast

3 cups blue corn tortilla chips, covered in hot water or milk {DO NOT make the same mistake as I did and cover them for more than a minute: you'll get mush! But it will still work.}
2 bacon strips, chopped
3 eggs
salt & pepper
2 teaspoons light cream (or add milk)
1-2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
optional: tomatoes, sour cream

1. Cook bacon in a hot cast iron skillet till it's crispy. Remove and let it drain a bit on a paper towel. {Do not throw away the bacon fat!}
2. Whisk together the eggs, light cream, salt & pepper. Add bacon and parsley.

3. Add drained tortilla chips. {Confession: mine looked like a mess because I soaked them for too long. But I decided to go through with the recipe regardless.}

4. Add the mixture to a hot cast iron skillet with remaining bacon fat and cook for about 7 minutes.
5. SUPER carefully, using a plate and pot holders, invert this "pancake" and slid it back into the skillet and cook for another 3-5 minutes so that the other side gets crispy.
6. Slice this concoction (I really don't know what else to call it) into wedges and top off with sour cream, fresh parsley and serve with slices of tomatoes.

I'll be the first one to admit this is not the prettiest dish ever, but sometimes you can't judge things by how they look. Although the consistency of this dish wasn't what I was hoping for, it still worked. The little crunchy bacon pieces really stood out and the fresh sour cream and tomatoes gave the dish some needed wake-me-up.

This is something you can easily reheat and have for breakfast the next day or even for lunch with a side of a salad.

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend! I'm off to New York City tomorrow to stay with my friend Jenny. Anna is flying to meet us there and then will come back to DC with me and stay for a week and see my new condo!!! Can't wait! {I just wish it wasn't so brutally cold out!}

And before you ask, we don't have any super major eating plans while in NYC. NO famous/trendy/hard-to-get-into restaurants. Just a few places that Jenny loves in her neighborhood, dim sum, noodles, Korean and what I am sure will be a fabulous dinner cooked by Jenny's boyfriend Chris. Can't wait!


Molly said...

This sounds a lot like chilequiles, a traditional Mexican breakfast dish of lightly fried corn tortillas. Definitely worth checking out. I actually prefer them to matzo brei. :-)

Simones Kitchen said...

Aha... Blue corn tortillas!! Now that I wouldn't have guessed! (since I've never even seen them before...) It looks indeed a bit scary in color but I bet it is superdelicious!

Delicious Dishings said...

Sounds so interesting! I made blue cornbread once and thought it looked so homely... not a photogenic thing at all. Ha!

Lighthousegal said...

Where do you come up with all these unique recipes??? This one sounds good to me!!

I have had so much fun trying some of the things you have posted here. I posted pictures on my Face Book page and several of my friends asked for the recipes so that they could try them too!!

Have fun in New York, stay safe.

msdewberry said...

I imagine it would taste wonderful! I love tortilla chips even plain by themselves. If you didn't like the colour it turns I bet you could substitute the yellow ones for the blue.

Maris (In Good Taste) said...

What an interesting concept. Your presentation is lovely

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous egg dish, it really has a visual wow factor!
I hope you have an amazing time in NYC. Even without eating plans, I bet you'll find some amazing eats (no eating plans??!!!). HOpe you write about your adventures, would love to see what you get up to.
*kisses* HH

Cakewhiz said...

I have had tortillas but not blue tortilla... So cool!
Hope you ave a fun trip :)

Cara said...

I have a confession. I started reading the recipe before the story, and when I got to part where you didn't know what to call it, I thought, "duh, this is just like matzoh brie." Of course you knew that though ;)