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Coconut Lentil Soup from Marc Samuelsson (sort of)

It's grey, raining and a bit chilly out. Perhaps the weather gods are getting me ready for a week in Seattle? But then my mom said that in Seattle it's sunny and supposed to be 90 degrees! What's going on?

But let's get back to this post: I feel like it's perfectly timed because today is the perfect day to make this Coconut Lentil Soup from Marc Samuelsson's blog. I originally saw the recipe in a tweet from Line. Right away I added it to my Pinterest (the latest obsession!) and finally made it this past weekend.

I used the lentils I brought back from Denver and was happy that I only had to pick up a few other ingredients for the soup at the store: the rest I already had on hand.

A quick note about making other people's recipes: read both the ingredient list and the list of directions all the way through. With this recipe, I noticed that you are supposed to garnish the soup with cilantro, but cilantro was not listed in the ingredients. Also, my soup took only 20 minutes to cook once it came to a boil instead of 40 minutes. Perhaps it's because I used a gas stove or maybe my lentils were slightly different than the ones used on Marc's blog.

At the end, the soup was pretty good, but I think you should DOUBLE the amount of spices. Also, I garnished my soup with citrus-pickled onions to give it a bit of brightness and color.

Coconut Lentil Soup

Ingredients (slightly altered from original recipe. If you make this, DOUBLE the spices)

1 tablespoon neutral oil (vegetable or canola)
1 large red onion, finely chopped
1/2 green chile, finely chopped
1 inch piece of ginger, peeled, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 cup lentils, rinsed, any stones removed
1 can coconut milk
3 cups water
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon turmeric
black pepper
juice of 1 lime
citrus-pickled red onions

1. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed soup pot. Add onions. Cook until the onions have softened.
2. Add chile, ginger and garlic, cover and cook for a few minutes.
3. Add lentils, spices, coconut milk and water. Season with salt and pepper. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, and cook covered for about 20 minutes, stirring frequently. {Notes: now that I've made this soup, I would do a few things differently: 1) add spices to the onion/ginger/garlic/chile mixture and cook for a few minutes to let their natural oils come out 2) double the amount of the spices}
4. Take the soup off the heat and add lime juice.
5. Serve garnished with cilantro and pickled onions.

(check out my new dishes from my trip to Denver)

What are you having for lunch/dinner today?


Melissa Jones said...

I love me some Marcus Samuelsson. My original chef "crush". When I moved to NYC, Aquavit was the first "fancy" restaurant I tried. I love anything with coconut milk and am very sorry I missed my chance to try this soup!

Valeria said...

Looks great!! Especially love the citrus-pickled onions on top. And the color is gorgeous!

Simones Kitchen said...

Ah. I know that weather pattern all too well. It's been grey and raining here lately too. Looks like the perfect soup for autumn weather!

sally said...

Yum! This looks like a great soup, and I think I have most of the ingredients on hand.

Chezbonnefemme said...

Love lentils. Tired of Dal. This is going to get me out of my rut. Thanks so much.

myfudo said...

Splendid! This will definitely ignite a good dinner treat with Pap and Mom.

K said...

I love the yellow color of the soup! And the bowls you got look great!

Anonymous said...

While I'm not a soup person, I love lentils and coconut, so I'd really like to try this.
I've been looking for bowls like that daaaahling, where did you get yours?
*kisses* HH

Sara said...

Mmmm, this looks very tasty...I like the idea of combining lentils and coconut, plus those onions on top look delish as well! :)

dinnerordessert said...

I have been looking for new lentil recipes. This soup looks delicious and healthy, thanks for sharing!

PhotoMadly said...

This sounds gorgeous. Can't wait to try it.

PhotoMadly said...

This sounds gorgeous. Can't wait to try it.