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Daring Bakers 1st Challenge

Remember my Two Things I am Not post earlier about joining The Daring Bakers!? Well, I can finally post my first challenge: Filbert Gateau with Praline Buttercream (From Great Cakes by Carol Walter).

I was feeling excited, nervous, and anxious about my first challenge. However, I was really looking forward to seeing if I could succeed at this complicated recipe (I'm not going to retype the recipe here, but I'm sure the other Daring Bakers will post it). Luckily, at the beginning of July, Anna and I went to visit our parents in Seattle. Why is this a good thing? I had help (Anna), my mom's bigger-than-my-kitchen, and a pantry filled with needed ingredients. All I had to bring with me were a few tools and chocolate.

Making the cake was fun and relatively simple. This was the first time I made a cake from scratch, and the concept of using nuts (almonds) in the cake dough was a new one to me. The cake smelled great, did not "fall" after baking, and was easy enough to slice into 3 layers.

The trouble started when I made the buttercream. I did not want to believe Anna, but I guess I did overheat the egg whites: the buttercream never came together, and looked rather awful (at least it tasted good!). Instead of trying to make it again, I decided to continue with what I had. (After a 5 hour flight from DC to Seattle, I did not have much patience)

Luckily, the ganache was simple to make! This was also something I've never done before. Oh, and it tasted great! The addition of rum did not hurt :)
Assembling the cake wasn't too bad: I just wish the raspberry preserves would have played a bigger role: they were barely detectable.

With the cake "setting" in the fridge, I had a chance to think about how I wanted to decorate it. Unfortunately, the buttercream had other ideas: it completely separated, and wasn't cooperating. I tried my best and put mini chocolate chips to cover up my mistakes.

But what matters the most, is that with Anna's help I was able to complete my first Daring Bakers Challenge. And the cake tasted great! I made a mistake of leaving a knife next to it in the fridge, which made taking thin slices of the cake way too easy :) My parents and Anna liked the cake too; can't remember what Misha thought.

P.S. I'm posting this "in the future"...hopefully that works :)


BlueToYou said...

ooo that looks amazing!!! sounds very complicated. i would love to be able to bake cakes like that!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 1st challenge and your cake looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

Looks wonderful! Way to go I'm impressed and welcome to the DBs!

Speedbump Kitchen said...

Great job! The decorations are great, they look like little sunflowers!

Michelle said...

Congratulations on your first DB challenge. You did a great job!

This was not an easy challenge particularly with the buttercream. But your cake looks wonderful!

Namratha said...

Well done on your first challenge, now it doesn't feel as nerve racking as it felt before the challenge isn't it? :) Welcome to the Daring Bakers!

Eat4Fun said...

Your cake looks delish!
It was a long day making that cake.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. It nice to hear from a fellow first timer too. :-)

M.T. said...


Your first challenge is delicious, You are a woderful challenge baker

Laurie said...

Congratulations Olga on your first challenge, and welcome to the DBr's! :)
Great job on your first challenge..this one was a whopper. What an initiation huh?? :)

maybelles mom said...

good job on your first challenge. I love the "sprinkling" of buttercream flowers. bravo.

Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful job!! We survived sister!!

Unknown said...

That was such a pain!!!! LOL. Did taste quite good though.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your first challenge, you did a wonderful job! Especially since it was the first time you made a cake from scratch!

Anonymous said...

Great first challenge!

Mama Mia said...

you did such an amazing job for your first challenge! Congrats!

test it comm said...

Your cake looks really good!

Jacque said...

Your first scratch cake? No way! it looks too perfect for a first.

Nice job!

pixie said...

congratulations on your first challenge!

eldivenlerim said...

your cake look very yummy:)))

Kristen said...

Welcome to the Daring Bakers! You did a great job on your first challenge and it sounds like you learned a lot of new techniques that you will be able to use from now on!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I did the DB challenge for the very first time too! It was a big task but I think we both did pretty good! :-)

You cake looks wonderful!

Looking forward to August DB assignmnet :-)

Helene said...

Welcome to the DB! Congrats on your first challenge, you did a great job!

Maggie said...

I love the look of your slice of cake. The praline buttercream was the best part and you got a nice thick layer.

Lunch Buckets said...

Nice job! I too have made the mistake of leaving a knife too close to the cake. Funny how those little slivers add up by the end of the day! Welcome to the group :)

Deeba PAB said...

Well done on your first challenge...wonderful!!

Christy said...

Wow I love the way you decorate the cake!! Looks like a field of sunflowers to me!! Great job on your first challenge!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first challenge - it's my first challenge this month as well. Your cake looks great.

silverrock said...

My, my what a beautiful looking cake. It looks so chocolatey and nutty, I might just have to steal a slice :P Great job on your first DB challenge, can't wait to see what you whip up for next month!

Lauren said...

Your cake looks amazing! I love the decoration!