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Pork Salad, New Dishes & Simple Dessert

This is really not a recipe post at all. Mainly I just wanted to share a few pictures of the new dishes that I bought at Crate & Barrel outlet over the weekend: the pretty white bowl and a few martini-shaped (but short stemmed!) glasses.

Over the weekend I made a Pork Chop & Cherry recipe for Robyn's blog and had one pork chop. I decided to make salad with it.

Given that it's fall, I wanted to incorporate some fruit to the salad: so here it is!

Pork, Fruit & Feta Salad


cooked pork chop, cubed
grapefruit, segmented
grapes, halved
olive oil
salt & pepper


Combine the first 5 ingredients, drizzle with olive oil, season with salt & pepper if you feel like it.

The pictures below are of a composed version of the salad. I really liked the sweetness of the grapes and grapefruit contrasted by the salty flavor of feta.

And now for dessert: all this is a pomegranate/vanilla sorbet (store bought), drizzled with some chocolate syrup and sprinkled with almonds. Delicious!

Don't you think these glasses would be so cool for cold soups? Hmm, is it too late to make gazpacho?


Anonymous said...

Well i thought it was a fab salad, full of lots of great colour... but then i saw the desert :D and now i want it!!!

Zoey (Vegedible) said...

ooh, lovely dishes! Crate and Barrel just opened their second Canadian location up in my city. It'll take me an hour to get there, but I'm looking forward to making the trek.

Simones Kitchen said...

I think you can always make gazpacho, don't you think? Love the bowls and the glasses! I have a serious problem with all the good looking glasses and bowls and plates etc... Got too many... sigh.. and I keep buying!

Delicious Dishings said...

Cute dishes! And I love your new fall-ish header!

The Duo Dishes said...

Your header image means it's fall time for sure. Adding the pork to this salad is really different. It's the first time seeing meat with the watermelon and feta combination.

The Duo Dishes said...

Correction! That would definitely be grapefruit...not watermelon. Which you stated. :) Ohhh Thursday...

Jhonny walker said...

When I saw salad that colorful..I was sold..and the desert too...lovely pictures too. Now I Have to have some sweet :)

Shelby said...

Love the colors! My DIL is a Crate & Barrel addict...only we have to order online - there isn't one close by.

Priya said...

Olga-Very nice! I love your twitter updates...You always seem to link to a great blog/food site. Thanks! Add me pls! My twitter link is on my blog. Thanks.

penny aka jeroxie said...

The dishes look so refreshing and summery. And of course I drooled over the dessert...

Erica said...

Your pictures are beautiful, Olga!

Hillary said...

Beautiful photos - love the dessert!