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Maine Avenue Fish Market in DC

I've lived in DC area for almost 9 years, but not till last weekend did I finally made my way to the Maine Avenue Fish Market. Why? I don't really know. I love seafood, I like being by the water, I've even gone salsa dancing at Zanzibar (which is only steps away from the market) for many years.

Finally, last weekend, my friend Laura who is sadly leaving DC next week, called and asked if I would join her and Katie for some seafood at the market. I gladly accepted the offer.
The market has been in operation since 1805, and is in fact the oldest operating market in the US!

There were as many people as the variety of fish. If you are not a fan of crowds, stay away.

Not only can you purchase food to eat at the market, you can also buy the fresh seafood and take it home to cook yourself.

Crab legs, oysters, salmon, bass, etc, etc, etc: I bet the market would have any variety of seafood you could think of.

As far as the food goes, I decided to get a "make your own combo." Alas, the combo came with all fried food: I wanted oysters and shrimp. But I wanted raw oysters and steamed shrimp. And so, I decided to also buy an order of  fresh oysters: you live only once ;)

God, how gorgeous are these oysters? They tasted fresh, cold and went down oh so smoothly. Unfortunately, the guy did not completely separate the oysters from the shell, so I had to do some maneuvering with a plastic fork.

These are the fried shrimp and oysters. Not too bad at all, but rather heavy: that's what you get with the fried food.

Potato wedges: these reminded me of my days working at Kentucky Fried Chicken. The combo meal also came with corn on the cob and two slices of white bread in case you wanted to make a fried oyster sandwich.

Laura ordered crab and gave me one to try: honestly it required too much work! Still, I proceeded to break the shell, scrape away all the eeky parts and enjoy the white crab meat.

Check out the views!!!!

And these are the leftovers :) This was a perfect way to spend a Sunday night. If you haven't been to the Fish Market, what are you waiting for?


Lauren said...

oh, I love the seafood market! I didnt go there nearly often enough when I lived in DC.

Velva said...

Wow, what a great place to enjoy on the weekend. What a great place to purchase or enjoy good seafood. I know that you are planning to return soon :-)

Charisse said...

That's some beautiful seafood! I'm a wee bit jealous! lol

Megan H Carroll said...

The seafood looks wonderful... the variety outstanding and the day gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures, I love market scenes.
Have a great weekend.
*kisses* HH

Michelle said...

Great pics! I have been there a lot as a kid with my parents but went for the first time as an adult over 4th of July weekend. I wanted to take photos and blog all about it, however I knew I'd be too overwhelmed to stop and take pictures!

I've only ever bought seafood to bring home and cook so I'll have to try eating there sometime. Thanks for the fried warning! :P

Fernando said...

I love me some seafood! Do you chew the oysters or do you swallow them whole?

I never saw the point in paying a premium for freshly shucked oysters and then just swallowing them like an Advil. But, since I don't care for the grit that often comes with the liquor, I usually place the oyster on a cracker with some lemon and hot sauce and eat it all in one bite. Chewing them brings out the oh-so-good briny flavor and the cracker kind of disguises any grit.

BTW, I had some grilled oysters when I was in New Orleans in March and I absolutely loved them. I liked them more than raw oysters, actually.

Paige said...

I've been meaning to go to the Maine Ave Fish Market for, oh...3 years now? Your photos made it clear I need to get there ASAP!

Unknown said...

Awesome post with great photos!

That place must be good because this chef/restaurant owner in South Florida says the fish market's fresh shucked oysters are one of the best things she's ever eaten:

I hope you like that as much as I enjoyed yours.