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Capital Harvest on the Plaza: Come see my food demo this Friday!!!

When I met Ellen Gray (wife of Todd Gray and co-owner of Equinox) at the launch party for the Red Fruit Festival, she suggested that I should do a demo at the Capital Harvest on the Plaza. Not really having any details, I said sure.

A month later, I have a few more details :)

In fact, tomorrow (Friday, October 1st), I'll be demonstrating one of my recipes, Curry Butternut Squash Soup with Coconut Milk and Pistachios on the plaza of the Ronald Reagan Building at 12:30 pm. If you work in the area, please stop by, say hello and sample my cooking.

And since I have a full time job and can't take time off to do the prep for this recipe, Ellen said I'll get a "princess treatment"--Todd will do all the prep at the restaurant, and I'll just put things together on the spot. Who can refuse a princess treatment***? Not me!

Hope to see some of you tomorrow! Let's hope the weather cooperates.

*** Perhaps I earned the princess treatment after spending four hours at the kitchen of Equinox? I might write about that experience later ;)


Delicious Dishings said...

That is so cool! I love your ad and everything! I wish I lived close enough to stop by!

♥peachkins♥ said...

I wish I could see your food demo..

Anonymous said...

Your soup for the demonstration sounds amazing. Best of luck, and have fun!
*kisses* HH

nicole said...

your recipe sounds absolutely delicious! you sound so glamorous in their description of you, traveling and salsa dancing!

on an unrelated note, i like the capital harvest logo!