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Cream cheese pancakes with fruit salad

Last week Rachael, aka FujiMama, tweeted that it was a pancake week, which made me think of a recipe for Mascarpone Pancakes that I've made last year. Those pancakes were fluffy, slightly sweet, and super easy to make.

I usually don't make pancakes from scratch: a boxed mix with a few additions does the trick for me, but those Mascarpone pancakes were definitely worth the time it took to measure a few ingredients. I decided to recreate the recipe, but use cream cheese instead: less expensive, more affordable, and whatever was left could easily be spread on a bagel.

But first, instead of a syrup to pour on top of the pancakes, I decided to make a fruit salad from champagne mangoes, watermelon and grapes. Special thanks to Stacey Viera for taking me to Food Star grocery store on Friday where I bought these mangoes and also a bunch of Latin food. {Look out for a post about Puerto Rican Lasagna on Wednesday.}

And now time to make the pancakes!

Cream Cheese Pancakes
Printable Recipe 

{Note: this is something new I'm trying: you will now be able to print recipes on Mango & Tomato. Huge thanks to Food Bloggers Unite & Closet Cooking}

Ingredients (enough for 2 people)
1/4 cup cream cheese, at room temperature
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons whole milk
3/4 cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda

1. In a bowl whip the cream cheese with a hand blender. Add the egg, vanilla, and milk and blend together. Using a hand blender really helps to get rid off as many lumps as possible.

2. Sift together flour, sugar and baking powder and add to the wet ingredients. Incorporate well. Let the mixture sit for at least 5 minutes.
3. Heat a bit of canola oil in a cast iron skillet and using a rounded tablespoon pour the pancakes mixture into the skillet. Brown for a few minutes on each side.
4. Serve with the fruit salad.

These weren't nearly as luxurious as the Mascarpone pancakes, but they were still fluffy and delicious. The recipe made about 10 pancakes: you can share them with someone or refrigerate and reheat them the next day. Of course they aren't going to taste as good as when you've just made them.

What's your favorite pacake recipe? What do you like to add to yours? Whipped cream? Syrup? Jam? Chocolate syrup?

Here are a few other pancakes recipes to try:
Pancakes with peaches and chocolate chips
POM & Cherry pancakes
and if you are in the mood for something savory, Broccoli pancakes


Kulsum@JourneyKitchen said...

I love the idea of fruits instead. More flavor, color and well nutrients?!

sally said...

What perfect little pancakes! I need to get in on pancake week.

Susan said...

These are such pretty little pancakes! I love that they aren't sweet, sweet, sweet ... the fruit is a perfect way to enjoy them!

Delicious Dishings said...

I always make buttermilk pancakes and hate to admit that I usually throw in chocolate chips. Fruit is a great alternative!

Jhonny walker said...

FInally a recipe that fits your blog name :) I love the fruit salad. I always have fruit salads with pancakes. And of course the pancakes are delish. Surely making them soon enough

Anonymous said...

I cant say that I ever make pancakes daaaaahling, but I sure do love to eat them. These are beauties!
*kisses* HH

Anna's Table said...

Yum!! You've just put me in the mood for pancakes. They sound so decadent with the addition of cream cheese to the batter.

The Duo Dishes said...

Cream cheese does an awesome job in breads and cooked foods. Never thought about using it in pancakes, but why not? It works in pie dough.

Juliana said...

Oh! You pancakes look delicious with cream cheese in it...and perfect with a bowl of fruit salad :-) Great for a weekend brunch!

1000+1 said...

these look like оладьи [oladui]--and i love those! thanks for great idea to use cream cheese--i never tried to incorporate it in a pancake batter, yet we always have it in the fridge! i'll def. give this one a try! i'd have to triple (if not quadruple) the measuring for my herd though :)

~waiting for the lasagna recipe today :)~

greg said...

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valuable that designed for the new visitors. Pleasing work, keep on writing.

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