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What do Puerto Ricans Eat?

Have you ever wondered what Puerto Ricans eat? Well, food, of course! But each country has its own specialties, and of course the cuisine differs from region to region, with each restaurant and family adding its own flavor to well known dishes.

Over the Presidents' Day weekend, I made my third trip to Puerto Rico. My friend Jenny and I left the winter weather of DC and New York to fly and spend 5 days with our friend Laura, her husband and their 2 adorable boys. {Laura, Jenny and I started work within a week of one another and were Three Musketeers for a while until Laura left to Florida and then Puerto Rico and Jenny moved to New York City. But we still get together when Jenny and I visit Laura and her family wherever they are: that's what friends are for!}

Lets get back to food! The first night in Puerto Rico, Laura's mom made us a true Puerto Rican meal: rice and beans, fried plantains, beef, salad and big wedges of avocado. It was so lovely to sit together at a table, eat, drink red wine, and catch up.

A few days later, Laura and Jenny drove to a local bakery to pick up breakfast: potato croquettes stuffed with ham, rolls stuffed with ground beef and cheese rolls (the long ones). I wish you could smell this!

The rolls stuffed with ground beef were my favorite. I don't know what it is about ground beef, but I love it.

We had to leave and go see Carlos Manuel play his last soccer game of the season, so these were left behind. Alas, I did not get to try the cheese roll because it's really not good as leftovers.

Another day we had mofongo. Mofongo is sort of like a Sheppard's pie: it's either made from yucca or sweet plantains, or a combination of each and is stuffed with chicken (or beef or seafood) and vegetables. It's filling, comforting and smells amazing.

Of course with two little boys and running around and touring Caves and Bio Bay we also ate things like take out pizza, take out Argentinian steak (which was surprisingly cooked to medium rare and oh so good!) and even stopped at Burger King drive-through for a mid-night whopper!!!

Before the trip was over, Laura took us to visit her parents' "finca," which means farm. This wasn't a farm in the sense that it had animals, it was more like an awesome house in the country surrounded by fruit trees (including mangoes!) and orchid plants. Check out my other blog where I'll post some non-food photos soon.

On the way to "finca" we stopped by at Piratas Del Toro Al Diente restaurant, which is shaped like an old ship! This was really popular with families and kids and there was a line to get in.

While we waited for our names to be called, Laura's mom bought Jenny and me piraguas: it's shaved ice flavored with sugary liquid (I say sugary liquid because I really don't think it was juice).

Below is my friend Jenny holding her coconut drink and my lime/strawberry one.

Other than these drinks, there was also an abundance of candy!

And then it was finally time to eat! Check out the decor of the restaurant:

We ordered quite a bit of food to share: hot wings, fried calamari, rice and then a big platter filled with fries, shrimp wrapped in bacon, chicken and skirt steak: all on skewers!

And I just have to share these two photos of Fabian eating his fries: such concentration and determination!

Before I end this post, here is a photo of me, Laura and Jenny! This was such a fabulous trip!!!

Oops!!! It's not over yet: below are some photos from finca: oranges, grapefruit, mini mango and bananas!

toodles!!! adios!
oh! and I found a man!!! :)


1000+1 said...

¡Un hombre muy hermoso! Sin extremidades :)
looks like you had a blast there!

lael Hazan @educatedpalate said...

How fun! Thank you for the virtual tour. Love your new guy :)

Delicious Dishings said...

What I wouldn't give to get out of this cold weather!! It looks like a really fun trip and those pastries you had for breakfast would definitely be something I'd enjoy.

Meister @ The Nervous Cook said...

What a fun trip! Thank you for sharing the photos & stories -- I'd so love to go to PR one day.

Cecilia said...

Great post! I'm so jealous! I love pastelitos de carne (the ground beef rolls). They look exactly like the ones I used to get from the pastry shop in Panama. Yum! And great photos of little Fabian, he is so adorable.

Anonymous said...

Um daaaaahling... I think you can do a little bit better in the man department, no? One with two hands and feet??? Such a pretty girl like you can do better LOL.
Looks like an awesome trip. I went to Puerto Rico on a cruise but was only there a few hours and didn't see much.
Have a wonderful weekend!
*kisses* HH

sally said...

Looks like a fantastic trip! Your new man looks interesting too! :)

Paige said...

Those rolls stuffed with beef look amazinggg!

And I love mofongo! One of my friend's mother's cooked it for us. Need to try to recreate it at home

Kenny J Almodovar said...

Mmmmmm... Now I REALLY miss all those pastelitos and quezitos. I'll have to ask my mom to send me some later.