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Recipe for Breakfast Pizza

There are certain things that I keep on meaning to make in my kitchen, but just haven't yet. Those include short ribs, bread baked in my new Le Creuset, Hasselback potatoes, etc, etc.

This past weekend I finally crossed something off of my list: breakfast pizza.

What makes this pizza a breakfast pizza? Well, I think it's the egg. But you can obviously eat this pizza for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner. This is really not a recipe exactly, but just a combination of ingredients and ideas.

Here's what I did:
I preheated the oven to 525 (Are you all saying "OY"? Well, you are right. Read below to see how that turned out.)

I then took a half of Boboli original Italian pizza crust and cut it into two pieces.

Each piece got a bit of roasted garlic tomato sauce, Monterrey cheese, fresh arugula, and a boarder of artichoke hearts.

I then plopped an egg inside of the artichoke boarder, seasoned it with salt & pepper, added more cheese, and the pizza was ready to be baked.

I baked this breakfast pizza on top of parchment paper in a 525 degree oven for 15 minutes. I kept on waiting for the white of the egg to set.

Look what happened!!! The parchment turned completely black (luckily it did not catch on fire), the egg white finally set, but alas the egg yolk was no longer runny.

What did I do wrong? Well, I obviously had my oven set to too high of the temperature. I think something around 400 would have worked much, much better.

Although this wasn't the result I was hoping for (the egg yolk was cooked through), the rest of the pizza (and the idea itself) was rather successful. I think I shall try this technique again.

Have you made a breakfast pizza? What toppings did you use? Did you end up with a runny egg yolk?

Stay tuned for another pizza coming up next week: Greek Potato Pizza!


J3nn (Jenn's Menu and Lifestyle Blog) said...

I've never had a breakfast pizza but that yolk looks so good!

Sharizat said...

looks so yummy! i have to try this recipe, too! i love to make more intricate breakfasts on weekends!
and i absolutely LOVE the photo with black parchment paper—very artistic!

Laura said...

Smitten Kitchen has a great breakfast pizza recipe. I like having the egg white cooked and the yolk runny. I think breakfast pizza needs turkey bacon, too.

Kate of Food Babbles said...

Despite the cooked yolk, this looks absolutely delicious! It sounds absolutely mouth watering and I cannot wait for the potato pizza ;)

Delicious Dishings said...

At Flour, we always made them with brioche. I'd do different toppings everyday and set them up in a wreath around the edges of the brioche dough... crack an egg in the middle, cover it with cheese and pop it in the oven. The ovens were always on 325 convection...

Lara @ GoodCookDoris said...

I love this kind of pizza! Always fun to see everyone's different toppings. I made a version back in the fall that yielded runny egg yolks - with spinach, goat cheese & turkey bacon. I set the oven to 425.

Meister @ The Nervous Cook said...

Breakfast pizza sounds so good--and your version looks delicious even if the egg set a little harder than you'd like. Maybe a Niçoise pizza should be next!

Esi said...

I made a breakfast pizza a while ago. I always have issues getting the whites to set, but I think my oven was at 400-450

Maris (In Good Taste) said...

That looks amazing. I could have pizza 3 meals a day!

hmariek said...

OH my my my!!! That looks so beautiful! What an excellent brunch idea! I would even add the egg half way through to leave it semi-runny ( I love a runny yolk) Thanks for the great idea!

kellypea said...

Sounds like a great idea! When I bake eggs, everything else is piping hot first. -- actually done. The eggs are poured in, Parma sprinkled, then back in the oven carefully watching @375. Not sure how it would work on pizza tho. Tempted to try now :)

Anonymous said...

I've never eaten a breakfast pizza, but I'm totally thinking I need to try one now.
*kisses* HH

Lo said...

This reminds me of the pizza I ate in Tunisia, where it's almost a requirement that you eat a fried egg (with runny yolk) atop your pizza.

I'd try a lower temperature -- or simply less time in the oven. Since none of your ingredients need to be cooked through, with the exception of the egg, I think a shorter oven time would work just fine.

Unknown said...

looks great, i'll have to try overeasy eggs on mine. i usually do scrambled eggs cooked before, with bacon, breakfast sausage, and potato.

Alicia said...

I love the breakfast pizza. I also prefer a runny yolk -- and when I baked it I believe it was 350 for about 15 minutes

javed vardi said...

Wao! yummy dish. my all friends like it. even when we think to throw a party, we simply go to jim's home . His mother make it for us from pizza recipe .