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What's new at Bourbon Steak? I shoot for food.

Earlier this month, my friend Sangeetha, who does PR for Bourbon Steak, amongst a zillion other amazing restaurants in DC area, asked if I would like to come to Bourbon Steak, take a few photographs of the new items on the menu and be treated to a lunch for two in return.

Since Sangeetha and I have known each other for a few years, I felt no need to wait more than a few minutes before saying YES.

And so, a few Fridays ago, on the Veterans Day, I woke up after a night of salsa dancing, managed to shower, put on clothes and a bit of makeup and headed out to Bourbon Steak in Georgetown.

{Here are a few of my other visits to Bourbon Steak.}
Before I turn to the food, I just want to share a few shots of "flower" arrangements at Bourbon Steak: it's cabbage! But how seriously gorgeous is this?

As Sangeetha and I caught up, I sipped on coffee served with warm milk (it was such an unexpected, but wonderful touch), and then came this:

HOT "BUTTERED" RUM: chairman's reserve, vanilla bean, ginger and allspice served in a latte glass with dulce de leche foam.

I'm usually a light weight and only use rum to make home-made vanilla. Plus, it was a bit too early for me to start drinking, but that dulce de leche foam was beyond amazing. I actually think foam is the wrong word for this as it was whipped, smooth and thick. I had to stop myself from eating the entire topping of this Hot "Buttered" Rum with a spoon. Instead, I mixed it into my coffee.

Then it was time for a heritage turkey burger stuffed with stuffing, brushed with mustard butter and served on a whole wheat bun. The bun was spread with garlic mashed potatoes and topped with cranberry relish.

And yes, this is still being served at Bourbon Steak after Thanksgiving.

I only could manage to eat a few bites of this burger and took the rest of it home. I am happy to report that the bun did not get soggy, the turkey burger did not dry out and the mashed potatoes were still fluffy by the time I came home. I did not even bother to reheat the burger before eating it.

To finish the photo shoot on a sweet note, we received BOURBON STEAK HOT CHOCOLATE: valrhona chocolate, maple with {in house made} marshmallows served in a latte glass.

And who will be the lucky person to come to lunch with me at Bourbon Steak in December? My brother!!! Dear Misha, you are in for a great treat.

PS: I'm happy to report that my photo of the burger was recently featured in Express Night Out (Page 19).


Valeria said...

Congratulations! And it looks delicious.

Delicious Dishings said...

So cool! I can see your name in the teeny tiny print on the side!

I seriously want the hot buttered rum and the hot chocolate.

FoodEpix said...

This looks delicious. Would love for you to share this with us over at

Anonymous said...

I want to go swimming in that hot chocolate :D
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving daaaahling!
Do stop by and enter my giveaway
*kisses* HH

Simones Kitchen said...

That sounds and looks absolutely delicious Olga! And congratulations on the burger being featured too.:)

Energi said...

That cabbage looks amazing! I reviewed the benefits of kale on my blog and now I'm thinking about reviewing purple cabbage! Check me out at . Your photography is superb also! Keep it up!


Cara said...

What a great gig! Ok, not that I think I'm *that* talented, but I admit to seeing ads or website photos for local restaurants and thinking that I could do so much better - there's some serious lack of know-how going on. haha, maybe I'll try pimping myself out!

janelle said...

Hot chocolate please!! Great pics! Am a friend of your sister in Seattle!!! Fun!

Sarah from 20somethingcupcakes said...

I had the absolute best rib-eye of my life at the Bourbon Steak down here in South Florida. TO.DIE.FOR!