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Mini Cheesecakes

Do you remember a recipe for mini scones and mini fruit tarts I've tested for Robyn Webb? She came up with another awesome mini dessert recipe: mini cheesecakes with blueberries. This was so incredibly easy to make, and everyone I've shared the mini cheesecakes loved them: I wasn't about to eat 48 of these by myself :)

Look for this recipe in the next issues of Diabetes Forecast Magazine.

What are some of your favorite mini desserts?


veggie belly said...

very cute! anything that is dimished in size looks so yummy! will be making mini chocolate cupcakes this weekend.

Rena said...


feasting-on-pixels (terrie) said...

I love these cheesecakes and have made a similar dessert and posted it on my blog...
Here is the link to my recipe:

I do so love the fresh and healthy look of your finished product...I am looking forward to your recipe.
Your images are also quite beautifully styled and photographed.

I have added your blog to my blog list is that is ok with you...
Merci for adding me as a friend on FoodBuzz.

Anonymous said...

Oh, these are just adorable! Maybe they'll be my favorite mini desserts :)

Cathy - wheresmydamnanswer said...

These look great - I love anything mini with chocolate or fruit!!

Anonymous said...

hello! thanks for dropping by my site. nice mini cheesecakes! i love fruit tarts, but never had any mini cheesecakes before. haha

Unknown said...

I just like cupcakes. :) These are so cute though, and just the perfect size. I don't eat a lot of cheesecake, I just sneak a bite of everyone else's, so these are great!

Deeba PAB said...

I love petit fours...just made some mini yogurt strawberry & chocolate mousses the other day. These cheescakes look lovely!

Creative Classroom Core said...

I too am a fan of tiny desserts (I think because it means I can have more than one!)

Anonymous said...

how cute!!! bet they are good... love these mini desserts, makes you feel less guilty... lol... :)

The Blonde Duck said...

Those are adorable! I love mini things!

Anonymous said...

Cookies and muffins are faves! But really, any dessert at all. Gives you more reason to eat a bunch.

Anonymous said...

Mini-cheesecakes are adorable!

I will look for the article. I have a relative that gets Diabetes Forecast and will tell her to be on the look-out.

Anonymous said...

My favourite is any mini dessert, or any regular size come to think of it!!

BlueToYou said...

those are adorable! i love mini brownies with the icing on them like you can get from whole foods. mmmm. or petit fours.