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A World of Spice

a world of spice My good friend Cindy and her husband started a new business recently, A World of Spice. Cindy sent me 3 out of "zillion" samples of spices that they have for sale: paprika, fenugreek and horseradish powder.

The smell of paprika is amazing! And I'm absolutely intrigued by fenugreek because I've never cooked with it.

If you are looking to buy some spices that are not available at your home town's grocery store, check out A World of Spice.

Here are a few ideas for using paprika:
1) Ratatouille Meets Shepherd's Pie
2) Italian Sausage/Potato/Onion/Zucchini Bake

You can use horseradish powder to spice up your mashed potatoes or add it to your salad dressings or dips.

I'll have to get back to you once I figure out how to use fenugreek.


MamaFaMi said...

We use a lot of spices in our cookings...

Anonymous said...

How interesting, never heard of horseradish powder before.

Anonymous said...

I haven't used fenugreek either, that would be neat!

Leslie said...

Very cool. I cant wait to see what you cook up.